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Be | Amazed

Secrets of the Science

Albert Munsell’s The Color Tree, 1907

Understanding the wonderous world of colour is fascinating, inspiring and life changing. Colour is light and energy; influencing us mentally, physically, and emotionally. It affects how we look, how we feel and how others perceive us.

Our approach to colour is based on the scientific principles of Albert Munsell. His system of colour identification developed in the early 1900s is universally recognised as the language of colour.

My time with you will demonstrate how certain shades are capable of being super flattering, while others are very unflattering due to the optical illusions that occur on the face. The latter draw attention to wrinkles and shadows; while your harmonious shades are natural beauty enhancers, making you appear healthy and fresh-faced.

Can we all wear every colour?  Well, yes pretty much! BUT it is all about wearing the right tone of the colour; how you wear it, and where you wear it.

Our 6 Palettes

Albert Munsell was an artist who invented a colour classification system which defines colour into 3 dimensions:

1. Value (Depth – Light | Deep)
2. Hue (Undertone – Warm | Cool)
3. Chroma (Clarity – Clear | Soft)

The Munsell theory of colour describes colours based on human perception.

Our palettes are based on the Munsell System. By using one or more of these descriptions for every colour, it enables us to categorise colour and forms the basis of our analysis.

Applying these categories of colour to your physical features means that when you wear similar shades of colours, they will harmonise with your features. This creates a positive visual effect and impact, making you look radiant!

Albert Munsell was an artist who invented a colour classification system which defines colour into 3 dimensions:

1. Value (Depth – Light | Deep)
2. Hue (Undertone – Warm | Cool)
3. Chroma (Clarity – Soft | Clear)

The Munsell theory of colour describes colours based on human perception.

Our palettes are based on the Munsell system. By using one or more of these descriptions for every colour, it enables us to categorise colour and forms the basis of our analysis.

Applying these categories of colour to your physical features means that when you wear similar shades of colours, they will harmonise with your features. This creates a positive visual effect and impact, making you look radiant!

Your Palette

Dominant Palette

From our six palettes above we firstly prescribe you your dominant palette. This includes a mix of both neutral and accent colours, and gives you 30 shades of colour.

For example, Reese Witherspoon is a Light for her dominant palette. You will see the difference it makes when we match the right shades of colour to her unique colouring. Reese has a delicate look; blonde hair and blue eyes. Of all our palettes, this is the one that we instantly see as harmonising with he colouring. Lighter shades of colour will always enhance her look and brighten her face. When she wears deeper, darker colours they can easily overpower her, you find your eyes are drawn away from her face and she looks washed out.



Secondary Palette

With our tonal system we can then refine this further for you, determining your secondary palette. The secondary palette in this case for Reese would either be Warm or Cool. It is so important to know your undertone and essential for choosing makeup to know this too! This gives you an additional 6 shades of colour. Reese would have the additional shades from our Cool palette, making up a wallet of 36 swatches. With her cool undertone you can see she looks so much better in the cooler Primrose Yellow, rather than the warmer tones of the Mustard Yellow. Her hair has cool highlights too which look perfect, but the warmer yellow jars with both her skin and hair.



Tertiary Palette

Finally, we choose for Reese between our Clear or Soft palettes. This consists of another 6 swatches which make up her tertiary palette. We really are tweaking the palette now.. as you can see she is wearing both dresses in a colour that suit her, but Reese has a clarity to her look. This means clearer, jewel-like tones of colour rather than those with a grey softness to them will work in a more flattering way with her features. Clothes combinations using her colours in a contrasting way will always elevate her look. A softer more blended, colour or few colours, isn’t as exciting on her. With this palette, when wearing a single colour it also needs to be brighter, like the dresses above. Adding the contrast of lipstick works so well too.



The Full Works

This gives Reese in total, for a full analysis, 42 shades of colour from 3 different palettes – Light, Cool & Clear.

Your palette, whether you want to know just your dominant, your dominant and secondary or with your tertiary palette added as well, will all be worked out FOR YOU; WITH YOU. You’ll learn how to WEAR colour, and have plenty of colours to choose from without it being overwhelming.

To make it super EASY I’ll give you a link to a personalised SECRET WEB PAGE. Here you can view your DIGITAL PALETTE and essential GUIDELINES for combining your colours for a stylish look. You will also find Pinterest boards full of INSPIRATION for clothes, makeup, hair and jewellery, all suited to your palette.

Digital Packages

For Ladies

For Men

Our Beauty Products

Our beauty range has been developed especially alongside the colouring concept, so works on the same principles. Each item has been allocated one or more colouring characteristics, which means it really works for you. Add some new colours to your wardrobe, and your make-up drawer, feel inspired, confident, and fabulous.


Be | Colour Fabulous is an award-winning colour image consultancy providing colour advice and analysis for men and women.

Be | Colour Fabulous is part of the Colour Me Beautiful group, Europe’s leading Image & Style Consultancy.



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